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Established in 1959, Westone Laboratories has more than 55 years of experience delivering premium in-ear solutions for critical listening applications. Westone is the largest manufacturer of custom ear pieces in the world and was the first to design and manufacture a balanced armature driver earphone.

With hearing healthcare and music specialists on our research and production teams, Westone invented the most ergonomic monitor design which provides the most comfortable, best fitting and quietest earphones on the market.

The largest names in music turn to Westone in-ear monitors for on-stage use, just as U.S. Air Force fighter pilots depend on Westone’s ACCES® in-ear communications system for mission-critical noise isolation, hearing protection and two-way communication. It is our experience, our products, and our people that make Westone The In-Ear Experts®.


상호 : 싱크온프로덕션(주)   |   대표: 김수환   |  사업자등록번호: 695-86-00587 

 문의 :   |    전화 : 02-3152-6397   |   이메일 :

주소 :  서울시 강서구 마곡서로 152, A동 1222, 1223호 (마곡동, 두산더랜드타워) 

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